sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

New pole of investment in Santa Catarina.

The city of Tijucas, located on Santa Catarina’s southern coast, a place where tourism is strongly encouraged and practiced, the urban dynamics revolves around the sea, crossed by tourist routes and accessible at national scale. The city opted for development based on industry and services, forgetting its historical and natural attractions, following disconnected from its context. The municipality currently faces environmental degradation problems, social-spatial exclusion and a dispersed, unstructured and fragmented urban fabric. You could say that the city has four distinct areas: east of BR-101 highway toward the shore, where there is low income population predominance, west of the highway, where is the urban centrality and the vectors urban growth, with better infrastructure systems and population with higher income and, finally, the south bank of the river, which is a great urban void, with little occupation divided by the urban perimeter. Through an urban diagnosis we can identify the city’s environmental, economical and touristic potential, and especially a place that not only meet these criteria but presents a unique landscape: the shoreline, where the river meets the sea, an noble area in other cities, in the case of Tijucas, is a place of lower income fishery communities in a worse habitability situation. The imminent risk of a tourism urbanization, without respecting ecosystems and local people will certainly aggravate the mentioned conditions. Since the different situations and historical moments by the river, the proposal aims to sew the urban’s fabric social-spatial fragments from Tijucas through a physical-spatial system using the river as the seam line, element of urban and cultural revigoration and social inclusion, reaffirming its role identity. The urban seam proposed suppose that social housing, understood as a system linked to urban programs, places and spaces acquires the scale of an urban project, capable of requalifying the sector and integrates it into the urban tissue.

Project conceptio: Arq Hellen Morás de Andrade
